It took some doing but I finally managed to solve the Roku issue and it meant switching to a Sony Media Player. Back when we first got our Roku it was the only option for bringing Netflix to the TV and since then they have started requiring you leave them your credit card number in order to start streaming anything. If you want you can purchase MLB games or other movies and such, on demand but we pay for our Netflix and we can watch all that we want for that low monthly fee. We are never going to purchase movies or games through the Roku even though it is now available. And I sure as hell am not about to give Roku my credit card number just in case I decide to down the road.
Seriously! COME ON! I don't just go around giving my credit card info to people for no reason at all. I don't know why they feel it is appropriate to require that but there is no way that will happen.
Fortunately there are now several ways to get your Netflix streaming so I don't have to get a new Roku. The Sony player isn't quite as user friendly but it sure gets the job done. Just in time too as I'm feeling pretty rotten today and plan to spend most of it watching movies and such.